Jun 30Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

There IS ONE thing that is Perfectly CLEAR, that is MAGA IS A DISASTER, it’s Loud mouth, Bully Proponent is a A DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY. The debate was MORE proof of that.

What I saw, was while President Joe was hoarse from a cold, yes. The “other guy” was Lying, lying, lying, lying… Ad Nauseum. NO Excuse for his Habitual Addiction to LIES. Nothing to offer, but LIES. A Dangerous Detriment to the Well Being of America.

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Wow. Very well said. Let’s get to work!

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Awesome! Yes, let’s do! Where do you see opportunities to get more people on board where you are?

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

I see opportunities through connecting with neighbors and others. It’s an essential task to keep building our grassroots movement. I ask people if they are registered to vote throughout my daily activities. I wear my Vote Blue or Dems make life better T shirts and plan to buy more t shirts, a Biden supporting women, a Biden-Harris bumper sticker, a Biden hat. Etsy has several great t shirts, a favorite is “Blue water, Blue Skies, Vote Blue” they run small. The designer donates the proceeds to environmental groups. I encourage others to join me. I have recently connected with locally based environmental groups. Connecting with Indivisible in my state has opened many pathways for letter/postcard writing, fight disinformation, phone calling, knocking on doors for local candidates, attending Zoom events featuring candidates locally and across the nation. This last activity has educated me about the talented individuals running for office. Dedicated, smart, good-hearted people. We are lucky.

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Awesome and THANK YOU - I just met with the team and I’m now their national outreach coordinator! I e been writing for years and they tapped me to get them to 10M postcards. I’m a girl on a mission!! Would love to talk to you and anyone else who writes to see how we can keep growing and get out the vote for trifecta24!

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Absolutely! I like that there is minimal writing ✍🏻. I have been fatigued with too much writing. A mailing label is perfect. Awesome card also.

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Totally getting work right now! I am sitting at the airport writing register to vote postcards for Wisconsin from blue wave postcard movement https://shop.bluewavepostcards.org/. I feel the $ I donate is me being a cheerleader and writing postcards is like being a player - both help win the game!!

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Yes I’m working on the same Wisconsin Blue Wave postcards “Your Vote Matter”!

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

First and foremost, we need people to vote. Aim all of your beautiful literary energy and talent in that direction. Action, not words!

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Yes, absolutely! We’ve got to keep Trump and MAGA out of office. What do you think we can do to make sure we have a great turn out?

Thank you for reading!

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Excellent piece. You are right, we can’t wait for someone else to take action. We all need to pitch in and save our Democracy!

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We CAN make a difference, but only if everyone chips in.

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

You’re right Dr. Lovely! It’s on us!

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Love this line - “use your courage to do what is right, and stand up against hysterical zealots who are brainwashed with MAGA lies and propaganda.”

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Yes, Sam! Thanks for reading!

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Getting involved in local politics , FFA, city council, school projects especially if you have kids. ‘Back in the day’ we made the move ‘back to the land’ ..kids and all. As did many.Some of us stayed , others moved on ..most graduated onward , upwards. We wanted to recycle, reuse, redo, before it was fashionable.Principle was to leave anything we touched better and us wiser..

seems each generation two or three has their own crisis/revelation/uprising…the civil rights period was tumultuous as is this one. Preserving nature and learning how to live WITH the earth vs ‘on the earth’ made many environmentalists..some spit on it…so here we are (I’m old as dirt now ) …in another fine mess 😂…it’s been pretty dependably a growing pains type of thing ya know…made some awful mistakes and waking up to better approaches….a fight? perhaps… we are faced with a minority of people who have upset/tipped the cart/balance and so…….

we work to save and improve the United States or in high probability lean or get led to autocracy…but we all agree 🗣️ALL AGREE - there’s some changes needing made…laws needing shored up or tossed or most definitely better defined. This process can be trying, educational, worth the effort.

Be a hero? I can name dozens who impressed me, did that make them heros…sorta….some I adopted ways from, some I learned what NOT to do from.

I truly feel there are many heros , many gifted people some who never get a chance to shine and so I choose a career helping them , I didn’t always succeed , but I tried my best…. even had hard lessons, bad days, made mistakes. But it was worth it.

The funniest thing about ‘getting old’ ..one realizes how much they don’t know…so it’s fun learning and now it’s at our fingertips instead of 5-7 Books of Knowledge to page through…looking for the answer.

We kept getting better..let’s keep trying …


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I love this, Patricia! We’re taking a hard lesson on citizenship right now. Hopefully we learn quickly, get stronger, and pass these lessons down like you and your crew have been doing.

Do you think we’re up for the challenge now?

Thank you for reading and sharing your experience!

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Jun 30Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Yes Dr.Stephanie, I do . America has risen to every challenge admirably. It is acknowledged this ‘may be’ different…while established principles can be reviewed ,of course, right and wrong have stood the testament of time.

To all of our readers. Have a wonderful Sunday.

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Jul 3Liked by Dr. Stephanie Lovely

Donated three times since debate for Biden. From NC

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Perfectly stated.

Please spread the word. For the sake of our nation and the democracy.

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There is no evidence that the Biden radical far left is destroying this country. Furthermore, there is nothing radical about those leftists. However, there is plenty evidence on film showing Trump loyalists defacing property and threatening to kill people, in Congess by the Freedom Caucus and Trump supporters to vote down any Biden bill or confirmation that would benefit the people in this country, just jamming up the workings of government. This action is being done by the republican loyalists to Trump based on the conviction in hush money case. They think they can just stop government business because their leader is now a convicted felon thanks to those radical leftists led by Biden. Utter nonsense.

Now SCOTUS just gave Trump full immunity. If elected Trump will take revenge on his enemies, dismantle government agencies, take away all freedoms and rights, and ignore or rewrite documents developed by our founders. Do we really want four more years or a lifetime of chaos?

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Yes. This. Exactly. We can be the broom in the system. 🧹

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You sound like a deranged lunatic. Good Lord.

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I feel sorry for people who believe this bovine excrement- you need to wake up and look at the real world!!

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